Thursday, August 18, 2016

Christy King-Soul Spa Retreat

The Soul Spa Women's retreat 
was held in August, 2016.
A Ferry Ride is how you arrive
 at the Retreat Site.
The retreat was at Chanco on the James.
The Women's Ministry of
King of Glory Lutheran Church, 
Williamsburg, VA hosted the event.
Christy King shares a
 bit of the encouragement 
she had for those who attended:
"God wants us to spend time with Him.
 Look at the lamb in this photo... 
how adorable!
 Thats Gods response when we draw close
 to Him and spend time with Him!
 It is in this place we find rest for our souls."
Come to Me, 
all who are weary and heavy- laden, 
and I will give you rest. 
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls.
 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30
Judy Olver leading some Journaling time

"Music and visual arts are powerful tools
 for drawing closer to God (literally!)
 and resting in His glorious presence. 
Put on some instrumental music 
and close your eyes. 
Rest in his presence 
and open your spiritual eyes.
 See what God shows you or tells you."
"I am a worship music leader 
and a preschool music teacher. 
I have my preschoolers do this exercise;
 get quiet, lay down, and close their eyes,
 as I play some quiet music and tell them
 to see what God shows or tells them. 
They love it and come up with some amazing
 pictures and thoughts!
 Most of them see Jesus playing with them
 or a rainbow river!
 They say they hear God
 saying to them, I love you!
 This has become their 
most requested activity,
 even over dancing with scarves
 or playing the drums!"
"Music is a powerful tool to connect with God.
 We all have those songs that really speak
 to us about a time in our life and how God
 has been there for us. 
Visual arts are my new favorite tool
 to respond to Him.
 Ill put on some quiet music and start
journaling scriptures and drawing pictures
 from Gods amazing Word to us."
Retreat Team Leaders:
Left to Right- Teresa Olver, Judy Olver, Christy King, 
Susan Bookless, and Faith Staples
"At our womens retreat we had many times
 of “suggestedrest and journaling.
 It is hard to find time daily to spend
 with God and journal.
 So we had many sessions practicing
 this amazing discipline. 
I encouraged the women to get a lamb
 or other reminder of how much
 God loves each of them.
 When we spend time with Him, 
and record or journal our experiences- 
we find rest in Him!" 

We give thanks for Christy King, M.A. Worship Studies
 and her heart for Music for the Soul.
 She serves at King of Glory 
Lutheran Church and School, Williamsburg, VA.

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