Friday, April 25, 2014

Jennifer Gross- Central Region

I spent my entire childhood reading. I always had a book in my hand. In the summer, I read 12 hours a day if I could get away with it. My mean parents would make me do things like “go outside” or “play with friends.” I went outside, all right, and then I climbed a tree and read there. 
So it was clear from the start that words are my passion and joy. I received a lot of affirmation for my love of reading, since it made me a good student and a good kid (who had time for mischief? There was a novel to finish!). But reading did not make me virtuous. Books were an escape, blocking out the world so I didn’t have to face my fears or engage with other people. The things of life—my siblings, my parents, boring classes at school, even my friends—were just annoying interruptions of whatever book I was immersed in at that time. I loved my family and friends, but let’s face it: for me, books were way more interesting than people.
It wasn’t until I reached adulthood that I realized real-life people might actually be as interesting as people in books. A childhood spent in the world of fiction does not exactly prepare one for social interaction, so I’ve always felt self-conscious and awkward in many social situations. But maturity brought an understanding that we all love to talk about ourselves, so I stopped trying to think of what to say and started asking others more questions. Eventually, I even listened to their answers.
And here’s what God has taught me, slowly and carefully, through hundreds of awkward conversations, and dozens of anecdotes heard in small-group studies, and interesting details elicited by just one more question: everyone has a story. Because God is the Storyteller, and His stories are the best ones. I’m not just talking about the stories of Moses or David or Paul. I’m talking about you, and me, and the people we meet every day. Even if they’re not aware of it, even if they think “it’s no big deal,” the Storyteller is telling His story through them.
Not everyone is a word person. Not everyone listens to someone talk about their life and thinks, as I do, “What a great story! This should be written down.” Not everyone sees their lives and others’ as one big epic novel. But God has given me both a love of words and, now, after many years of growing, a love of people. He has transformed my passion for words and story into a passion for finding and telling God’s stories among His people today. 

Some days, I’d still like to run away, climb a tree, and read a book. But when I take the time to really listen to God and His people, I see a different kind of story—and this Author’s plot twists are always a surprise.

Jennifer is a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Springfield, Virginia. 
She blogs at
Jennifer is one of the new writers added to contribute to the Journeys of Faith blog
 for Women of the Southeastern District.
Gathered to tell the stories to MAKE HIM KNOWN.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Prayers for Trinity Lutheran Church- Richmond

Sometimes we need the encouragement of His hand in the middle of the mess-

We experienced a fire years ago at Prince of Peace in Springfield, VA. and know that others of you have as well….

from the website for Trinity Lutheran Richmond:

Update on Fire at Church

Monday Update
1. No access into the church - this is for the ongoing investigation and unsafe conditions. 
2. The fire was limited to the narthex, with smoke damage in the sanctuary.
3. Clean-up efforts have begun. All clean up will coordinated by our professional contractor. Thank you to all who have volunteered - it is so appreciated!
4. All activities for the week are cancelled.
5. Plans are underway for an alternate worship schedule and/or location.
6. Phones remain down. Email is the best way to communicate. Please share this information with those who have no email or limited email access.  
7. Thank you for all the prayers.

From Facebook of Stephanie Greig- Pastor Nyck's wife:

The staff and people of Trinity Lutheran are so thankful for the fire crews and everyone who came to our assistance at church last night!! The fire outside of the main sanctuary doors in the narthex destroyed much of the narthex. We are so thankful that the fire doors functioned & closed, protecting the office wing. Today will be about assessing the smoke & water damage to the sanctuary, Bruening Hall & classrooms underneath, the preschool wing and Michael's office. Thank you to my family, church family and friends who supported everyone with prayer last night!

Heavenly Father, In this new Easter season of renewal, we boldly pray for you to bring peace to this community and that out of the fire and ashes (and smoke) you will bless this church and the people gathered here in Your Name.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

There's So Much More!- Set Free and Standing Tall

Transformed by_________________________

Rae Fangmeier

Carol Bitely and Judy Pask

Set Free and Standing Tall by______________

He called her forward-- by Linda Scherer

…..she praised God by____________________

Dorothy Kringel- adding to the prayer loom

Weinnie Alemu and
Vivi Diefenthaler

Andrea Miller and Heather Rosenkoetter

Pamela Nieting and Nancy Kettner

Lto R-  Jennie Smith, Magdalene Harris, Marie Flahn, 
Vivi, and Theresa Deddeh

A herald to Spring

The Chapel at Roslyn Retreat Center

The Retreat Group

Thank you to Jackie Oesch for the resource that we used for this retreat. This Bible Study can be downloaded
 for free at the above site.

There's So Much More!- Creative Haven

Set Free and Standing Tall
 Retreat Theme canvas by Connie Denninger

and a sample of some of the wonderful Creative Haven canvas projects done at the retreat….
send a message on the blog or email as you identify your art and we would love to add the artist name with the work!!

Creative Haven---by Gail Ficken
 Artist Drawings by Faith Mueller- made for our retreat

I have put my hope in Your Word- by Faye Krans

Blessings by Beth Benham

Praise God by____________
Hand crochet butterflies made by Robyn Smith

the new has come…by Karen Wuertz

Transformed by________________

You are Mine by__________________

Praise God! by Jennie Smith

Forgiven and Valued by___________________

And Jesus saw her….by___________________

Friday, April 04, 2014

There's So Much More- The Retreat Team

   the 2014 retreat for Wives of Pastors in the SED

Left-Retreat Speaker- Gail Ficken
Right- Retreat Coordinator- Connie Denninger

The Awesome Praise and Worship Team-
Left to Right- Susan Maack, Shelly Thress, Donna Lippitt, and Karen Wuertz

Diane Guelzow-
Retreat Counselor
Breakout Session- Nature Sanctuary
The Young moms crew with their little girls in tow-
Leslie Campbell, Joy Voss and Sonja Weber

Elise Carlson- Retreat Registration
Karen Olson-
Tech and Hospitality and Communication

Nancy Rueter- 
Site coordinator and Mix-it-Up Games
Breakout session- Planning a One Day Retreat
Faye Krans-
Name Tag Creator

Betty Long-
Retreat Postcard

Ellen Thress- Life Application story
God Strengthens

Shelly Thress- Life Application Story
God Upholds

Carol Stano- Life Application Story
God Restores

What ever you might have heard to take away from these wonderful stories of faith and grace-- 
we were blessed in the hearing of the stories.

Rae Fangmeier-
Breakout Session-
 The Joy of Counting Gifts

Beth Benham-
Breakout Session- Pinterest-
Kingdom Impact Pinners

Gail with one of the wee ones-
they certainly got plenty of squeezes

The gifts are truly in the people-
and they gathered in Richmond
 for a weekend of encouragement.