Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Momentary Life- Eternal Home

Revelation 1: 4-8
The Epistle Lesson for the
First Sunday After Easter, April 24, 2022

It is an effusive greeting
Far more than customary
But through it John states clearly
Where the focus should lie
Reiterating the heart of the gospel
John’s words are more than reminder
They are a creedal statement of belief
Echoed by every generation of disciples
Like the first Christians, we are a distinct minority
Our society likewise dismisses the gospel
As wishful thinking or just a well-rehearsed tale
For us however, it is an abiding truth
Through the risen Christ we have a new identity
Beloved by God, not forsaken
More cherished than we deserve or imagine
A relationship that cannot be broken
Confidently we live out our momentary life
As John’s first readers did
Inviting others to join our company while here
As we joyfully journey back home+

A Devotion By Rev. Donald Schaefer,
Northern Region Facilitator
for Mission Engagement

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Prayer Candles for Daily Prayer


Prayer candles- 

a new definition for a discipline of daily prayer.

 Purchase a package of birthday candles. Not the big number kind, not the surprise ones that re-ignite after you blow them out. Just the plain, old fashioned ones. Color does not matter. Twisted sides don’t matter. Just plain, little birthday candles. Now, take a kitchen cup that you don’t use any more and fill it half way with either sand or potting soil. Moisten the soil, and put a single candle in the middle of the soil. This is your new prayer candle.

Write down things for which  you want or need to pray. Write them on individual strips of paper and put them in a second cup.

 Put both cups and a book of matches in a designated prayer place and select a time for daily prayer.

 At that time, light the candle, draw a prayer strip from the second cup and start praying. If you run out of words, draw the next strip and pray some more. Keep on going until the candle burns out. Notice that the smoke continues even after the flame is gone. You can follow the smoke and keep on praying. Say amen when you run out of words.

 Put the used strips back in the prayer cup and put a new candle in the soil. When a new need for prayer presents itself, utter a small prayer, give thanks to God for listening to your voice, write the need down, and add it to your prayer cup. It will be waiting for you the next day when you light your new prayer candle.

Perhaps this is a great personal

 or family practice to try out for Holy Week.

Thanks to contributing writer- 

Natalie Hartwig for this Journey of Faith post.