Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Chartering of New Thing at Concordia Prep


June 5, 2022 was the Chartering Service for 
New Thing Lutheran Church
at Concordia Preparatory School in Towson, Maryland.
Rev. Peter Couser has served as Mission Developer 
for the Southeastern District
 and has led the way for the forming
 of this new worship community.
Southeastern President John R. Denninger leads
 the chartering service of New Thing-
Igniting people to follow Jesus with an everyday faith.
The signing of the Charter
 by the congregational President-
Betty Kansler.
The signing of the Charter 
by the Congregational Secretary -Faith Smith.
June 5 was also Confirmation Sunday 
and the 4 Confirmands
 were the first members of New Thing.
Seminarian Mark Esser and wife Paige,     
who were both former teachers at Concordia Prep, 
returned to participate in the service 
by leading readings and helping with music.

Visiting with DCE Emily Phoenix
 at the chartering service.
SED President John Denninger
 and Rev. Peter Couser
Joining here are:
 Connie Denninger and Amy Couser
We pray that the Holy Spirit works 
mightily among the students 
of Concordia Preparatory School,
 their faculty and the affirming community of believers.
To God be the Glory!