Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jennifer Young- Bible Journaling

1. What brings you JOY in Bible Journaling ?

I find peace in Bible journaling.  The sound of the pens/pencils on the paper is soothing, but what I really enjoy is artfully journaling word studies.  I find all the scriptures and possibly an in depth definition of the word and write and color them out on a blank page in my prayer journaling sketch pad.  My favorite so far has been the one I did on obedience.  

2. How do you see the Holy Spirit using Visual Faith tools in your life right now?

Bible journaling has absolutely changed my life.  I have found myself deeper in God's word and therefore, in a deeper relationship with him.  With a deeper relationship, comes better communication.  I have been much more in tune to what God wants me to see and hear and experience.  To make a long story short, I quit my very well paying, fulltime job to stay at home and spend more time with my children and husband. It was stepping out in blind faith.  I have already seen some amazing benefits in my family, and in my heart, just out of creating a space where God and I communicate freely on a regular basis.

3. What words of encouragement for those on the faith journey would you like to share?

JUST DO IT!  I have several friends that have been "scared" or "nervous" to start coloring and doodling in their bibles, for fear they will "mess it up".  It's not possible.  Trust me when I tell you, you can certainly see the progression of my experience journaling in my Bible without looking at the dates on the bottom of the pages.  

God's word tells us to "make a joyful noise".  To me, this means, as the old saying goes, "God said it should be joyful, He didn't say it had to be perfect."  God is our Father.  When you were a child, were your parents proud of the silly macaroni necklace or finger painting you brought home from school and gifted to them?  Of course they were--because it came from your heart.  That's all God wants--our hearts.  He doesn't want a Michelangelo or a Van Gogh or a Picasso.  He already made those people.  He wants a Mary or Julie or Cindy or Claire or Amy or [insert your name here] that wants to spend time with him in reflection of mutual love for one another. Just do it.  He loves you and he will love your macaroni necklace Bible journaling too.

We thank Jennifer for sharing her 
heart and passion for Visual Faith.

Jennifer is a member of The Lutheran Church of Our Savior
 in Bryan's Road, Maryland. Jennifer is a learner, 
practitioner and teacher for Bible Journaling.
This mother of two boys understands that she is leaving
 a legacy for her children and grandchildren

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