Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Emily Ransdell- Faith Confirmation Project

 St John's Dover, Delaware
Emily recently shared her Faith project 
with members and guests at her home church
 of St. John's Lutheran Church in Dover, Delaware.
On confirmation weekend-
other students in the program
 are encouraged to share a 
piece of the journey of their story.
Show and tell-
about Bible Journaling 
The Display information answered 
some basic questions about 
Emily's Visual Faith practice.
She uses some color coding 
for her time reading Scripture.

This is Emily's Inspire Bible.
It has some images in the margins
 that are all ready to add coloring.

Emily shares a bit about her journey.
"The act of coloring helps me to pay attention.
This practice has helped me
 to feel closer to God,
and strengthen my faith.
I find that I simply 
think about God more."
To encourage others to try
 Bible Journaling Emily says:
"don't add pressure on yourself,
because nothing is perfect.
And it can bring such JOY!"

Emily is encouraged by both of her parents
 to explore Visual faith expression.
 Her father  (and pastor)  is Rev. CJ. Ransdell.
 He has been a Visual Faith encourager since he began ministry.
Mom- Melinda is a graphic designer and serves as a Visual Faith Coach.

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