Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Alaska Mission Trip-- Teen camp

Final notes about the experience in Alaska
with 17 teenagers and 10 other volunteers 
at Teen Bible Camp.  

 One of things learned at camp is that God is in control.
The second is to be more patient.
Teen Bible Camp in itself (if you are on the planning side)
 is a project that is totally in God’s control.
My friend Rosemary and I planned on 12 or 13 kids,
and that would be on the high side.
 We ended up having 17 teens.  
That may not sound like a lot of teens to you,
but we were ALL staying in
 David and Rosemary Sternbeck's house.
 Besides finding bed space for each teen,
we also have to figure out how they would all get to camp.
Teens are flown in from 5 different villages.

We were blessed to have some pilots
fly most of the kids in for half the price.
Some kids had to fly commercial.
 God provided through people giving their money, prayers and time.
Not a single teen has to pay for the chance to come
and hear about God’s love for him or her.
 Without the help of others,
 most of these teens would not be able to afford the air fare to come.
How do you keep 17 kids in a house happy, fed and entertained?
The answer is by the grace of God.
We did many crafts, Bible studies and lessons with the teens.
I will never forget the fear and then complete joy
 as they approached a horse and then rode the horse for the first time.
For one young man (who has autism)
it made a change in his week.
After riding the horse, the young man
was very talkative and interacted with all the other teens.
I was amazed at how most of the teens
were thrilled to swim at the public pool.
This is an experience that most of the teens had not had before.
. These were wonderful experiences,
but it was the baptism of 5 teenagers
in the Chena River that changed my life forever!
It was about the 3rd or 4th day of Teen Bible week
that a teen girl came to us and asked if she could be baptized.
 After talking to her about what baptism means, she and 4 others asked,
"Can we do it tomorrow? "
Each student could pick an adult to help remind them of their promises.
 The next morning we were greeted by excited teenagers.
Seeing the joy in these teens about their faith
 made me think about how I take
for granted the faith that was given to me.
Their singing on their way down to the river
 was so joy filled- that I needed to sing.
  These teens also taught me once again-
 that everything is in God’s time.
You see, we have been going to Deering, Alaska
for 9 years teaching VBS.
This is our second Teen Bible week
and yet these 5 teens did not ask to be baptized until this year.
Then I asked God - "Okay, 5 is good, but why not 17?
 But God does everything in His time.
Not mine, not yours.
 I wonder if it had been all the teens,
 would I then say -"Oh, it is because we are so good." 
God took every moment in each of the their lives-
 just for that week.
  God does the same for each of us.
Everything good or bad-
 God uses.
I can wish I was at a different point,
 but I am exactly where I need to be.
I ask you to reflect on your life. 
When was the last time you were filled with so much joy 
that you burst out in song praising God? 
When was the last time you couldn’t wait
 to go to church or Bible study? 
Perhaps-God has blessed you with faith. 
Remember to rejoice and praise Him for your faith. 
Remember your baptism and how Christ washed you
 and said, "You are welcome as my beloved child!"
 I thank God for allowing me to be part of the Teen Bible camp.
 I am looking forward to sharing
 another week with teens in the future. 

Submitted by Denise Johnson- 
contributing writer for Journeys of Faith

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