Wednesday, July 15, 2020

IF-Then- A devotion

 Romans 8:1-11
We learn early on that life 
           Is framed by “If- Then”
IF we do something
           THEN something happens
Everything from our diet 
           To our work
To our relationships
           Is framed by “If-Then”
It follows then logically
           That we carry that thinking
Into our spiritual connection with God
           If we do “something”, then God will respond
In yesterday’s epistle lesson
           Paul goes to great lengths
To offer the gospel’s glorious contradiction
           To our human way of thinking
“There is therefore no condemnation
           For those who are in Christ Jesus” he writes
Our connection with God isn’t about what we do
           But what God has already done
Through the cross of Christ
           God took the initiative
To restore the broken relationship
           Which our willful heart created
In Christ, God has been faithful
           Overcoming our faithlessness
We who should be excluded
           Are now embraced by God’s loving heart
It is God’s scandalous love
           That motivates our servant lifestyle
IF we are so forgiven and claimed 
           THEN we offer that same love to those around us
Living as Jesus intended
           Brings risks and vulnerability
The logic of the gospel’s “IF” however, 
           Compels us to live out a compassionate “THEN”

A Devotion by Rev. Donald Schaefer, 
Northern Region Mission Engagement Facilitator
Southeastern District LCMS

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