"When I first moved to Northern Virginia, I was 22 and a recent college graduate. Transition to the real world was finally here and I felt unprepared. I was looking for a way to meet people and get connected but struggled to make this place feel like home. I longed for stability and security at a time when everything was new and felt nothing like my old home. My first Sunday visiting Prince of Peace was filled with numerous individuals greeting me and offering a warm welcome.
After six months I decided to join the church and the music ministry. I sang in the choir and played violin in the orchestra. I loved every minute of serving alongside fellow musicians, praising God in beautiful anthems. It wasn't long before I was asked to consider volunteering with the youth program. I joyfully accepted that calling to support middle and high school ministries. Suddenly, I was engaged in numerous ministries. Each ministry has shaped and strengthened my relationship with Christ and with the people of Prince of Peace. I felt like I was home.
Since joining Prince of Peace I've experienced great successes and terrible losses. This congregation has been my biggest cheerleaders and supporters for both the highs and the lows. So when asked, "why am I engaged at Prince of Peace?" I can boldly answer that Prince of Peace is my spiritual home that has showed me what Christ's love means.
I am grateful for the service opportunities that God has presented through Prince of Peace. Thank you, Lord, for helping me find a place to connect and serve alongside your people." this article was first published in the Prince of Peace Communicator
Kate is a member at
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Springfield, Virginia.
She is a busy young professional, but in her spare time
she loves meeting friends for coffee, playing racquetball and tennis,
and going hiking and running. Just this year she began
long distance running to spend more time praying outside
and getting closer to God. She is also a Bible Journaler.