Saturday, April 16, 2016

Deanna Hinz- Central Region

Deanna Hinz- Central Region

Once in awhile you meet someone 
along life's path that ends up
 fitting the role of mentor.
Whether it is an assigned role- 
or you just sort of follow them-
 observing, noting, imitating.
The encourager that brings words
 to lift you out of a life puddle-
and helps you scoot back into the fray.

 I was a mid 30's pastor's wife
 when I met Deanna Hinz.
 I was fascinated by her role
 as a woman leader, 
her quick wit and sense of humor,
her eye for design, and surviving 
as the mother of four sons.
But what most caught my attention
 was her graciousness.
The overflowing bucket kind of grace.
The cool as a cucumber, unflappable,
steady-on forward
in all circumstances kind of grace.
She continues to meet difficulties with
 this embodied grace.

She cared for a mother-in-law and the MIL's sister-
meeting the ups and down with a raised eyebrow, 
one liner, 
and that big bucket of daily grace.

The Lord has used that trait 
as He fills her daily.
 Grace receiver - so that Deanna 
can shower others.
Her life partner is Richard T. Hinz.
Rich has served in many roles within the church
and one of them was as 
President of the Southeastern District- LCMS
 from 1978-1994.
When I met Deanna, in 1988,
she had already been quietly dealing 
with Richard's diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease.
This would alter their shared life journey.
In 2004 Richard wrote-
My Odyssey with Parkinson's Disease
 for Wheat Ridge ministries.
Recently, Deanna has written 
an update that serves as an insert in the booklet.
This includes more of the story 
with the DBS- Deep brain stimulation journey.
Deanna is also honest 
about the challenges of the
life-changing diagnosis.
She gives helpful insights, 
points to helps along the way, and
continues her ministry of 
encouragement with words of hope.
The Odyssey Journey is available here:

Struggles continue in the 
partnership of their journey.
Richard has the disease, but Deanna 
is impacted in everything she does,
 or pursues by the disease.
And she truly knows that
 it is not of her own strength 
that she meets each day.
Whether care receiver or care giver, 
the comfort promise rests here:
"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself
and God our Father, who loves us 
and by His grace gave us 
eternal encouragement and good hope, 
encourage your hearts and strengthen you
 in every good deed and word."
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Pray about who the Lord might be
 calling you to mentor-
it can bring great blessing.

Thankful for Deanna as a mentor in my life.
It is one of my richest blessings. 

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