Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Installation of Rev. Dr. Bill Harmon- SED President

The Installation of Rev. Dr. Bill Harmon (right)
 as the new Southeastern District President 
took place on Saturday, August 13, 2022. 
Here Rev. Dr. John Denninger gives a word of 
encouragement and personal blessing.
The service took place at 
King of Glory Lutheran Church
in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Noah Harmon was one of the readers.
Jack Harmon was also a reader.
Rev. Harmon was installed by 
Rev. Chris Esget- 
Eastern Region Vice President 
of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
There are important promises
 made at an installation.
The laying on of hands as blessing
 is a very moving part of an installation.
Max Harmon helped hold books 
for the presentation of gifts.
The passing of the Shepherd's staff 
is an impressive symbol 
of the role of the District President.
SED President Rev. Dr. Bill Harmon
Clergy and Directors Christian Education, Deaconesses
 and commissioned workers were all a very important
 part of the worship service.
Left to Right- Rev. Derek Lecakes- Atlantic District President, 
Rev. Dr. Jon Diefenthaler- SED President Emeritus,
President Bill Harmon,
Rev. Dr. John Denninger- SED President Emeritus,
Rev. Wally Vinovski- SELC District President,
and Rev. Christopher Esget- LCMS Regional Vice President 
Left to Right- 2nd Vice President-Rev. Tim Bohlmann- 
3rd Vice President-Rev. David Ziehr
President Harmon
1st Vice President- Rev. Dr. Lloyd Gaines
and Rev. Dr. David Maack- SED Secretary
The Comfort Dogs 
are always a welcome participant.
The Harmon Family-
L to R- Jack, Noah, Bill and Gayle,
and Max.
The extended Harmon family and friends.
A new era in the Southeastern District.
May the Lord bless the work of President Harmon
 and staff and all of the people 
of God's Kingdom working together.
May the Lord bless President Harmon 
and wife Gayle and family 
with all of His good gifts, health and wellness.
May their joy be abundant 
and His work beyond imagination! 
For such a time He has called you!

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Installation of Rev. David Daumer

 The Installation of Rev. David Daumer 
took place on Sunday, July 31, 2022
at Trinity Lutheran Church, Bowie, Maryland.
He was installed by Southeastern District President-
Rev. John R. Denninger.
Clergy attending the Service were:
Back Row L to R- President Denninger, 
Rev. Richard Benjamin, Rev. Daumer,
Rev. Jon Diefenthaler- SED President Emeritus, 
and Rev. Don Schafer.
Front Row L to R: Rev. Henry Greenfield and
Rev. Jacob Harris.
President Denninger 
with Rev. Daumer and his wife-Ruth.

The Daumer family.

Rev. Daumer with the musicians 
for the installation service.
We pray many blessings on the ministry 
of Rev. Daumer in the 
Southeastern District.

Saturday, August 06, 2022

60th Anniversary- Rev. Ralph Wiechmann

One of the Servant of Christ Awards 
for the Southeastern District
was presented to Rev. Ralph Wiechmann 
in May 2022.
Pastor Ralph is here with his wife-
 Eunice Wiechmann.

Pastor Ralph and Eunice here with 
L to R- son Matt Wiechmann,
Joe and Krista Wiechmann Kumke.
SED President John Denninger and Connie 
brought greetings 
and blessings to Pastor Ralph and Eunice.
Pastor Ralph and Eunice were surrounded by family
 and friends for the celebration of this honor.
On Sunday July 31, 2022 there was also a celebration
 for the church planter, Pastor Ralph, who started 
the mission congregation of
 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in 
Springfield, Virginia 60 years ago.
Festive balloons greeted members and guests 
 from nearby and distant locations
 that attended the anniversary celebration.
Rev. John Denninger came to Prince of Peace
 to serve as Associate pastor in 1988.
  In 1996 Pastor John and Pastor Ralph switched roles.
In the first 50 years of Prince of Peace 
these were the two Senior pastors.
Certainly a wonderful ministry legacy.

Pastor Ralph addresses the congregation in the service
 to remind is that the Cross is the center of our lives.
The EASIER path becomes the story of EASTER 
when the "cross replaces the I" in our lives. 
Jo Stewart was the first Administrative Assistant at 
Prince of Peace and came back for this
 special anniversary celebration.

Pastor Michael Hayes -
Senior Pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
 in Springfield, Virginia
was a wonderful host for the 60th Anniversary celebration
 for Pastor Ralph and the entire church community.
We give thanks for his leadership in 
this congregation at this time.
Friends and family gathered for this special day.
A wonderful tribute to Pastor Ralph and thanksgiving 
to our Heavenly Father for His faithfulness.
Pastor Ralph:

Friday, July 29, 2022

Ordination and Installation of Rev. Richard Parron


The ordination and installation of Rev. Richard Parron 
took place at
 Living Water Lutheran Church 
in Baltimore, Maryland 
on July 24, 2022.
Gathered here for this special occasion are:
L to R.- Rev. Stephen Funck, 
Rev. Dr. John R. Denninger- Southeastern District President,
 Rev. Parron, Vicar Sean Tietze,
Rev. George Lippit- Supervisor Pastor, 
and Rev. Jim Banach- Circuit Visitor for Circuit 2. 
Rev. Parron and Rev. Lippit
President Denninger presenting 
the Shepherd's Staff to Pastor Parron.

Pastor Parron here with his wife Tracey 
and children- Caleb and Ella.

It is a blessed time as a family and we pray many blessings
 on their ministry at Living Water.
Extended family gathers around
 on this very special day.
Welcome to Pastor Richard 
as a Kingdom worker in the Southeastern District.

A special thank you for photos
 from a Patron family member.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Installation of Rev. Ethan Stoppenhagen


The clergy gathered around the newly installed pastor
 of Messiah Lutheran Church- Rev. Ethan Stoppenhagen.

The Service was at 4 pm
 in Germantown, Maryland.
The Circuit pastors bless Pastor Stoppenhagen 
and give encouragement
 and God's Word of hope for his ministry.

Pastor Stoppenhagen consecrates
 the elements for Holy Communion.
The Installation Service
 had beautiful music and singing.

L to R- Circuit Visitor Rev. Ken Stottelmyer, 
Rev. Ethan Stoppenhagen, 
and Southeastern District President Rev. Dr. John Denninger
Wife Lauren and Pastor Stoppenhagen.
May the Lord bless their ministry together.

Lauren's family- the Marinkos gathered for this very special day.
L to R-Andrew, Maggie, Lauren, Pastor Stoppenhagen, 
Rachel and Renee

Rev. Stoppenhagen and his parents- 
R-Susan and Neil Stoppenhagen. 
and L-uncle and aunt- Ed and Lisa Black.

A reception was held after the service 
and Pastor Stoppenhagen
 opens a gift from the congregation.
A beautiful chasuble was a welcome gift.
A little bit more about Lauren and Pastor Stoppenhagen.
Welcome to the Southeastern District!