Thursday, October 22, 2020

Devotion - Resilient Courage


1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10

In this week's epistle lesson
        Paul affirms a house church in Thessalonica
He praises the members for their “work of faith, 
Labors of love, and enduring hope”
That three legged stool is  the Christian life
Faith’s certainty in our mind
Drives the compassion of our heart
Both of which hang on hope
This hope is not wishful thinking
        But a resilient courage
To accept the gospel’s promise
        Through every season of our life
It is sometimes hard to hold onto such hope
        As life often wars against it
Caught by our fears and societal doubt
        Faith’s promise seems fragile
Then we  recall that  our hope is grounded 
in the singular event of the cross 
God’s extraordinary love offered freely
        For we most ordinary people
Life events may wound us
        People’s actions may hurt us
But no one and no thing
        Can change God’s love for us 
Filled with that certainty
        We live our life
With unequivocal faith
        And unending servanthood
By doing so, we offer to others
        A glimpse of what life was meant to be
And an invitation to enter
        God’s unending embrace

Thanks to Rev. Don Schaefer-
Southeastern District Mission and Ministry Facilitator
for this Devotion.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Devotion- Divisions to Cease


Philippians 4: 1-9

Differences of opinion
Create divisions of heart
Changing how we look at 
And think about each other

Yesterday’s epistle lesson
Acknowledges such a division
Two faithful Christians in the church at Philippi
Were divided and creating disunity

Paul’s response is a plea
For the divisions to cease
He encourages instead an overall rejoicing
So that the community can refocus on mission

In our present moment in America
We live among many differences of opinion
Driven by big questions with elusive answers
There is among us a great division of heart

Paul’s words encourage us to refocus
To learn again how to rejoice
This begins with seeing one another 
As children of God with gifts to share

The encouragement to do so
Comes from the cross
Through which all are equally redeemed
Each one precious in God’s sight

It is easier to see differences
Before we see likenesses
But the gospel calls us to a larger vision
Shaped by God’s unconditional love

As we live less in a spirit of dividing
And more in a spirit of dividing
All are brought closer to God’s infinite love
And a wholeness of heart

Thank you to LCMS Southeastern District facilitator-
Rev. Donald Schaefer for this devotional reflection.