A Devotion by Rev. Donald Schaefer,
Northern Region Mission Engagement Facilitator
Southeastern District
“Therefore” is the first word in Romans 5
Paul uses that word to imply the truth
Of what he has just said before
“Therefore since we are justified by faith
We have peace with God through Christ”
For Paul this was a certainty that the cross provided
In the succeeding verses
Paul uses exquisite Rabbinic logic
To show how this given peace leads to a gifted hope
Paul also however knew what it meant to suffer
His peace and hope did not come from the world
But from the promise of God’s love above the world
Paul here reminds us that the light of God’s love
Shines best in the darker moments of life
When promises that people and things make are broken
For Christian’s “hanging in there” is hanging on God’s grace alone
When we do we discover to our delight
That god’s grace is enough to see us through
Out of that comes a hopeful peace
Not imaginary thinking
But a clarity of heart vision
Right now peace and hope seem in short supply
People are angry and fearful
Without being sure even why
As we live out our lives
In a corner of God’s vineyard
We do so with a quieting courage
Through our words and actions
We invite others to see and know
Where true peace and hope are to be found
With this “therefore” we live and die
Encouraged by both a peace and hope
That needs to be shared with the world+
Thank you to Pastor Schaefer for this reflection.