Monday, September 30, 2019

A 50th Anniversary- Rev. David Betzner

A 50th Anniversary Celebration
 for Rev. David Betzner 
was part of the Worship Service 
on September 29, 2019 at 
Peace in Christ Lutheran Church
 in Walkersville, Maryland.
Worship Visuals -
 We are Saved Through Faith 
The Lord Bless and Keep You
Left-Vacancy Pastor - Rev. Richard Cox
Emeritus Pastor - Rev. David Betzner 
SED President - Rev. John Denninger
 Fun to see a life well
 lived with a servant heart.
 Some glimpses of the celebration day.
For the Lord is Good!
We give thanks for the way 
the Lord has blessed your life,
Pastor Dave, 
and your love for connecting others to Jesus.
Sermon notes from the worship-
Connie Denninger

Friday, September 13, 2019

Praying for the Workers in the the Field

 Members of the Spiritual Life Team 
of the Southeastern District 
gathered for a 24 hour Prayer retreat at 
Richmond Hill Retreat Center this week.
 Under the leaedership of Deaconess Robie Hillhouse 
there is a plan in place to cover
 those in the field of called ministry,
and those serving in places of leadership.
There are specific prayer groups for each gathering.
 They pray for the churches and ministries. 
Specific needs if known, are lifted in prayer
 for the schools, preschools and the people.
 This time set aside is to cover
 the work of the Holy Spirit
 in the lives of the workers in the Kingdom.
There is much to be done, 
resources are dwindling, 
challenges abound.
But, the Lord of the Harvest is faithful.
 Gathering this week- individual prayers 
were offered for each preschool director, 
child care director,
school administrator and school principal.
We give thanks 
for these members 
who were able to gather this week-
Deaconess Sally Hiller
Deaconess Robie Hillhouse
Deaconess Debra Lennox
Rev. Bill Ginter
Connie Denninger