Doing some writing on prayer
these days for an upcoming conference.
Loved a devotion this week in
My Utmost for His Highest
by Oswald Chambers.
"Keep your life so constantly in touch
with God that His surprising power
can break through at any point.
Live in a constant state of expectancy
and leave room for God to come in as He decides."
He speaks about not expecting God
to come in a particular way,
but to LOOK FOR HIM.
We tend to plan and script the way that God
can enter into our life situations
and for those we pray.
He always responds in surprise.
More that we could have imagined in our prayers.
Even though sometimes,
we won't see it in our lifetime.
Oh, Lord, let us be surprised.
Loved a devotion this week in
My Utmost for His Highest
by Oswald Chambers.
"Keep your life so constantly in touch
with God that His surprising power
can break through at any point.
Live in a constant state of expectancy
and leave room for God to come in as He decides."
He speaks about not expecting God
to come in a particular way,
but to LOOK FOR HIM.
We tend to plan and script the way that God
can enter into our life situations
and for those we pray.
He always responds in surprise.
More that we could have imagined in our prayers.
Even though sometimes,
we won't see it in our lifetime.
Oh, Lord, let us be surprised.