January 6, Feast of the Epiphany
Numbers 24:17, Matthew 2:1 - 12
It makes no difference if our path to worship the King started with infant baptism or if Christ entered our life after many years, the faith that allows us to kneel and present our praise is a gift of God. We are numbered among the stars of Abraham no matter what our DNA shows.
“O Savior of Our Fallen Race” may be a new hymn to you, but it is an ancient hymn based on a Latin text that dates from the 5th century. If you have one of the newer hymnals, open it and sing alleluia with the saints from centuries past and glorify our Savior God today. Unless you grew up singing from TLH the 15 verses of “All My Heart This Night Rejoices” will surprise you, but take the time to see the joy of Paul Gerhardt exploring the sweetness of salvation and sing this Reformation Era hymn in its entirety. Take pleasure in the detailed rhyme pattern and think it a bit of linguistic incense rising before the new born King.
Here is the abbreviation key for the Hymn Resources:
All my heart this night rejoices As I hear Far and near Sweetest angel voices.
“Christ is born,” their choirs are singing
Till the air Ev’ry where Now with joy is ringing.
Forth today the Conqueror goeth, Who the foe, Sin and woe, Death and hell, o’erthroweth.
God is man, man to deliver; His dear Son
Now is one With our blood forever.
Shall we still dread God’s displeasure, Who, to save, Freely gave His most cherished Treasure?
To redeem us, He hath given His own Son
From the throne Of His might in heaven.
Should He who Himself imparted Aught with-hold From the fold, Leave us broken hearted?
Should the Son of God not love us, Who, to cheer Suff’rers here,
Left His throne above us?
If our blessed Lord and Maker Hated men, Would He then Be of flesh partaker?
If He in our woe delighted, Would He bear
All the care Of our race benighted?
He becomes the Lamb that taketh Sin away And for aye Full atonement maketh.
For our life His own He tenders And our race,
By His grace, Meet for glory renders.
Hark! A voice from yonder manger, Soft and sweet, Doth entreat:
“Flee from woe and danger.
Brethren, from all ills that grieve you I will surely give you.”
Come, then, banish all your sadness, One and all, Great and small; Come with songs of gladness.
Love Him who with love is glowing; Hail the Star Near and far
Light and joy bestowing.
Ye whose anguish knew no measure, Weep no more; See the door To celestial pleasure.
Cling to Him, for He will guide you Where no cross, Pain, or loss
Can again betide you.
Hither come, ye heavy – hearted, Who for sin, Deep within, Long and sore have smarted;
For the poisoned wounds you’re feeling Help is near, One is here
Mighty for their healing.
Hither come, ye poor and wretched; Know His will Is to fill Every hand outstretched,
Here are riches without measure; Here forget All regret,
Fill your hearts with treasure.
Let me in my arms receive Thee; On Thy breast Let me rest, Savior, ne’er to leave Thee.
Since Thou hast Thyself presented Now to me, I shall be
Evermore contented.
Guilt no longer can distress me; Son of God, Thou my load Barest to release me.
Stain in me Thou findest never; I am clean, all my sin
Is removed forever.
I am pure, In Thee believing, From Thy store Evermore Righteous robes receiving.
In my heart I will enfold Thee, Treasure rare, Let me there,
Loving, ever hold Thee.
Dearest Lord, Thee will I cherish. Though my breath Fail in death, Yet I shall not perish,
But with Thee abide forever There on high, In that joy
Which can vanish never.
The Epiphany Star, a circle containing a 5 pointed star with rays reaching out to the edge of the circle, is the symbol of the Christmas of the Gentiles, our inclusion among the stars of Abraham. Hang this symbol on your Tree of Promise and then shine for all to see.
Bible Journaling:
Follow the Star
Matthew 2:1-12
Bible Journaling
Connie Denninger
I wanted to use mom’s frosted brownie recipe for Epiphany. The brownie was good, but it was the frosting that was fantastic. I thought it was pure fudge goodness and would gladly have eaten just the frosting. But I cannot find the recipe anywhere! I will just have to make do with some of the last of left over Christmas cookies.
Thank you for joining us for the Advent and Christmas Journey to Epiphany, we pray that this series has blessed your devotional life. Leave a comment if you have followed along.
Tree of Promise Devotions
Natalie Hartwig