Thursday, November 06, 2014

Hydrated Living

Sometimes it is good 
to take a break and just check-

Women tend to be such giving care-takers 
that we often just slip up with the maintenance and 
observations necessary to see how-

I just finished reading the book- 
Quenched by Donna Pyle.
Christ's Living Water for a Thirsty Soul.
 She is a Concordia Publishing House author 
and has been heavily involved 
with the LWML for many years, 
both as encourager and speaker.

In honest story-telling she writes
 about her early faith struggles.

Donna's book reaches out to both
 the searching faith heart and the veteran follower. 
The truth reality is that we often execute 
this "Follow Jesus" in a pattern of back and forth,
Times of thirst interspersed with hydrating hope
 is the life walk for most of us. 
With honest authenticity,
 she relays a journey of hearing the call,
 with personal illustrations of stumbling blocks, 
but tells the story of
 God's redemptive work in her life.
 I give thanks for this writing 
that tells a part of the journey,
 as He brings it all to completion.

Maybe this is speaking to your soul right now- 
time for some rehydration.
Or maybe it is a gift for a special friend.
Her ministry site is:
artesian ministries

Connect with Donna on Pinterest,
 Instagram and Facebook.
Great Bible Study resources
 also on her site.
Always good to make Connections.