Monday, November 25, 2013

Offer Blessing


Reflecting on the theme of the LCEF- 
Lutheran Church Extension Fund-
 Leadership Conference
 in San Antonio, Texas
 this past weekend.

And a prayer for this week- Offer Blessing-

God of love, 

I Pray for the peace of Christ:
in the face of fear, to trust,
in the face of violence, to be gentle,
in the face of sorrow to be healing,
in all things to offer blessing. 

Christ, grant me your peace:
with those who are rejected to stand in unity,
for those who are afraid to offer my hand,
beside the outcast to sojourn in longing,
to those who are cursed to offer blessing.

Spirit of compassion, 
be the grace and strength in me
to risk for the sake of justice,
to suffer for the sake of healing,
to give of myself for the sake of love,
to offer blessing, to offer blessing.

A prayer from Pastor Steve
 on the blog Unfolding Light 
that touched my heart this Thanksgiving Week.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lead a Quiet Life

Challenging these days to think about gearing down to quiet-
 right before the start of ADVENT.
Waiting and watching and listening
 for the way to celebrate the birth of this little baby gift-
- in our hearts and in our lives.
 A look at 1 Thess. 4 : 9-12- for some words of guidance.

 Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 10 And in fact, you do love all of God’s family throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers and sisters, to do so more and more,11 and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

What could be your ADVENT gift to friends and family this year?
You have been taught to love each other. More and More.
To mind your own business- speak well of each other.
Work with your hands- be productive.

That your daily life may win respect of outsiders…
so if a non-Christian is watching your Advent preparations 
and listening to how you speak of this season-
 do they hear JOY? or hurry and complaints?

Make choices this year to eliminate hurry.
It is ok to have a busy life but not a busy soul.

Find the way to speak calm
 into the lives of all those around you.

Want a place to start?
Be the Advent quiet in the lives of others this year.

Read Ann Voskamp's new book for your ADVENT-


Monday, November 11, 2013

Use Me, Lord

Dear Heavenly Father,
On a day remembering those who bravely stand 
so that we might live Free- we give thanks.

On a day where we see the
 horrible devastation disaster in the Philippines-
 we pray for your mercy to all the survivors, 
and pray for quick aid in the midst of such crisis.

And we pray that in the moments of this day,
 in simple and extravagant acts of mercy and love, 
 that your divine guiding hand
speaks to the depth of our souls, 
and that you might make us aware
 of how to be your gift in the world, 
and use us in Your Kingdom today.

That we may be used to bring You Glory,
 and that we see how one touch in the world-
touches another. 
In the name of Jesus we pray.

Banner in the sanctuary of 
Grace Lutheran Church,
Woodbridge, Virginia.

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Carol Stano- Northern Region

This past weekend -
there was a time of endings
 and a new movement into the future-
 the retirement of Pastor Les Stano
 from full time ministry
 Joined in ministry with his wife- Carol Stano.

They served at 
Lutheran Church of the Cross-
 Rockville, Maryland.

Some words of tribute and blessing
 from Carol at the retirement gathering.

We give thanks for all the ways that Carol 
has served in ministry to the church at large, the LWML,
  to clergy wives in the Southeastern District,
and women in her parish life.

Her heart for women and a gift of care and listening 
has been the blessing to many women who have crossed her path.

A Special Letter from Carol Stano
 to the members of Church of the Cross
God Meets Us at the Bend of the Road
Do not forget the things your eyes have seen,
 nor let them slip from your heart all the days of your life. Deuteronomy 4:9 (JB)

Friends in Christ,
Sharing a goodbye is difficult but necessary at this juncture
 in my ministry with each of you.
It has been my joy to be a partner in Christ
 with Les’ ministry at Lutheran Church of the Cross
 these past fifteen years.
A new beginning awaits us in our life journey together.
 We have confidence that the Lord will guide and direct us.
It has been a blessing, too, to serve my Lord and to be able to
use my spiritual gifts of mercy, faith, teaching,and hospitality. Each
year was so special in building relationships
and growing in faith together.
My love of children and their Christian education
 has been most meaningful and inspirational.
 A joyful experience!
I have learned much from the children,
and their faith in Jesus is astounding.
I pray they will continue to grow in His love and grace.
 I am grateful for the children, their families,
 and for the faithful leadership each Sunday.
Beginning the new ministry of Children of the Cross Preschool
(now 11 years) was a personal dream for both Les and me.
This is a vital mission field for the community
 and the emerging cultures that surround LCC.
Seeds of Christ’s love have been planted in many little hearts
 under the direction of committed teachers and Director Brenda Bertrand.
Serving on the Preschool Board since its inception has been a joy and blessing.
My love of teaching and learning
 also extends to adult Bible study, Confirmation, LWML Christian
Life retreats, LWML national conventions, and other women’s ministry.
I will continue to seek out ways for my faith life to develop,
 as God’s Word always entices me to grow.
The generosity of the love gifts from the congregation, 
and from Women of the Cross at Christmas each year,
 have been much appreciated. Women of the Cross
 provided financial aid for me to attend the SED Pastors’ Wives Retreats,
 which deepened my walk with the Lord
 and provided me the opportunity to be with my sisters in Christ, for fellowship.
I loved opening our home to everyone who wanted
 or needed a place to relax and have fun. 
Book Club dinners and WOC Christmas parties
 were delightful and fun for me, too.
 I especially enjoyed the WOC International dinners,
 their hosting shared with my dear friend, Carol Currey. 
Quiet times, too, with members of the congregation were always a blessing. 
I shall miss these wonderful fellowship events
 and treasure the laughter and friendships!
Reflecting on the past, I have seen the many ways God
 was our companion on the journey together, 
and I celebrate this with each of you.
 He will con-tinue to ever walk with you
 and guide you in new directions, and He will give you peace.
Carol Stano

Reprinted from the  November 2013
CrossCurrents • Lutheran Church of the Crosspage3image59624
We look forward to seeing how the Lord blesses
 His continued working in the life of His servant- Carol.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

1000 Gifts Retreat-Southern Region

 On a fall Saturday-
 in morning crispness, 

down a long,
 leaf-strewn lane to the farm

as cattle waited for the
 dew pressed-down softly to dry

Fourteen women gathered
 in the warm hospitality of a home-
offered as blessing.

To share the viewing of a video
of the grace story told by 
Ann Voskamp
of Counting Gifts

With small group time to talk it out
and share a bit of the story that resides 
in each of us

Because of the Creator Gifts in us
He still creates.

And a farm-style meal shared.
Laced round rightly with laughter.

 A walk around the farm grounds-
time to breathe and rest.
And catch up with 
the soul center that patiently awaits
and care.

A community of grace
 that just might be part of a movement-
of Counting Gifts
to live in Thanksgiving
 for the Gift of the One
 who brings JOY.

A Creative Haven event
near Claremont, North Carolina.
Hosted by Jenny Whitely
Facilitated by Diane Guelzow.

Have you read the book about Counting Gifts?
Do you keep track of the gifts
 to see the story of His faithfulness?
 Share with us here.